Hello fellow OzBargain users, this is what we would like to discuss today in our latest update.

App Privacy

At Aussie Bargain, we are huge fans of privacy and are avid followers of Apple’s continuous push for privacy because truly, your data should be yours and yours only. Following the latest changes in the App Store, we have, today, published our App Privacy label which can be found on the app’s product page:

App Privacy Apple

Our part in data collection

While it may seem like we collect these information, we want to inform you that Aussie Bargain DOES NOT collect or store ANY data that can be linked to you. The only information that Aussie Bargain stores and actively uses, is a randomly generated token (UUID) that we use in order to enable push notifications on your device. This token CANNOT be linked to you as there are no identifiers attached to it but merely is used to confirm the existence of a push notification subscription. We DO NOT know your phone details, your name, email address etc nor do we wish to know as it is your right to use the app in total privacy.

Another example of us respecting your privacy and security is why Aussie Bargain, unlike other OzBargain apps available in the appstore, does not ask you to input your username / password in the settings section. Other apps may or may not store these credentials but we can guarantee you we do not. We instead opt to load up the web view and load OzBargain’s login page where you can login safely and directly on OzBargain. We merely share the cookie to enable you to enjoy the experience of being logged in.

Third Party in data collection

Having said what we said above, we do, however, use third party plugins and partners to enhance our services. This includes using Admob for advertising and Google Analytics for analytics. Advertising is required in order for us to generate some funds to continue sustaining this free app while Analytics allows us to understand what can be done to improve our app experience which includes crash data and whether a feature is successful or not.

These third party services collect a more comprehensive range of data from you which includes certain identifiers, usage data as well as some coarse location which may be linked to you. The advertising platform collects information in order to serve you personalized ads. Certain websites, when loaded through our app’s webview, may request for your location in order to improve their services (suggesting the closest store for example). This will generate a prompt that looks as if Aussie Bargain is requesting access to your location. We guarantee you that we do not request your location. Feel free to deny the request if it pops up.

While the third party partners collect these data, Aussie Bargain DOES NOT have access nor do we want access to these data. What we see is merely a filtered out, de-identified information which CANNOT be linked to you.

If you have any concerns, please reach out to us at contact[at]2iins[dot]com

Keyword Notification upgrade

In other news, we have upgraded our keyword notifications! iOS users can now test a deal title to see which keywords will be picked up by our machine!

Simply head to the Settings Tab > Notification Settings and try inputing a deal title!

While we have done upgrades to it, it is still at an early stage and is powered by machine learning. It will take time, but it will improve over time as more users put in their search and keywords.

Hope you enjoy this update 🙂

As usual, if anything, please reach out to us at contact[at]2iins[dot]com


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