Hello, if you are reading this, chances are that you have bought Check In Event Manager on your Android device and to that, we say thank you for the support!
We have recently moved both our iOS and Android to be compatible with each other allowing you to seamlessly manage your event doors using both platform simultaenously. Meaning user A can be manning door A with an iPhone while user B can be manning door B with an Android phone for the same event at the same time!
With the new change, we have also moved our business model from Paid app to a Free app, with a one-time in app purchase to unlock the Pro functionalities. Pro functionalities include unlimited events, guests, sharing and basically everything available.
Now, for iOS, because of the nature of the app, we could easily convert our past paid users to automatically unlock the inapp Pro functions without user interaction. However, for Android, there exists no current functionality available for developers to check if a user has purchased the app when it was a paid app. Therefore, we are unable to automatically unlock the pro features for previous app owners in this new release.
Fret not though, we did not forget nor would ignore you, all you have to do is simply contact us and attach a screen shot of your Google Play Order Receipt and we will forward you a code to unlock the app.
This is a sample of the receipt.

To recap:
- Look for your receipt in your email
- Forward it to us at: contact@2iins.com
We apologize for the issues caused in this process but unfortunately, Android simply does not have the capability to allow us to do so automatically.
Thank you